A nurse’s office is a school’s control center not only for pandemic containment efforts, but for maximizing the health of students, teachers, and staff as well. As such, Green Township School District prioritized disinfection at Green Hills School with on-demand UVC treatments throughout the nurse’s office including the isolation room, treatment area, main office, restroom, and entrance lobby.

Nurse’s Office On-Demand Treatment:

UVC fixtures are strategically placed throughout the nurse’s office. 5-minute on-demand whole-area or spot-clean disinfection is activated via the Pure UVC app or remote control.

Nurse’s Office Automated Treatment:

Using the scheduling functionality of Pure UVC’s Intelli-Safe controls, the UVC disinfection system is scheduled to automatically disinfect the nurse’s area late at night when the area is unoccupied.  In the rare case the space is occupied, in-fixture motion sensors deactivate the system.

“One of the nurses at Stanhope had given me the heads-up that they were installing the [Pure UVC system] and told me a little bit about it.  When I mentioned it to Dr. Furnari (Superintendent), she felt like it would be a good tool for us to have to be able to keep the environment as safe and as germ-free as possible.”

“I like that we don’t really have to think about [operating the Pure UVC system].  I think that’s one of the key factors because there’s a lot that we need to worry about right now.  Knowing that it’s going to run automatically on a daily basis, I think that’s one of the big selling points.”

Mrs. Kerry Burneyko
School Nurse

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