Pure Lighting is proud to support Maywood Public Schools in their efforts to provide comprehensive district-wide disinfection while reducing their usage of harsh chemicals.  Portable UVC Disinfection devices were provided for large spaces including gyms, hallways, and cafeterias.  In-ceiling air purification devices were installed in the Nurse’s Office to provide extra support to the critically important space.   

Coming Soon: Phase II of this project includes automated between-use restroom disinfection.  Stay tuned to learn more about this implementation. 


Portable UVC Disinfection:  

High powered 650W and 325W portable UVC disinfection trolleys were provided for high-powered rapid disinfection of large spaces.  On-site testing shows that 99.99% efficacy can be achieved in large cafeterias in a matter of 10 minutes.  This automated method of disinfection allows the busy custodial team to focus their efforts in other spaces to ensure schools remain open and accessible during the pandemic.


Air Purification:   

The nurse’s office was equipped with four in-ceiling air purification devices.  Each air purification device includes an LED light and 3-stages of disinfection including two 4-layer HEPA filters and a high-intensity UVC light.  The nurse’s office is now brighter and cleaner than before.   

“With the research I did, it seems what we really would need in the school (the Pure UVC system) to help us with pathogen elimination…[the Pure UVC system] cuts down in the cost that we are spending on the chemical disinfection right now and it is a proven technology that I’m really happy with.”

Mr. John Montany
Buildings and Grounds Supervisor

Project Photos