Plainfield HS Site Visit Report: 12/15/2023
Visit Date: December 15, 2023
Members On-Site Include:
- Sean Sutton – Director of Facilities and Grounds , Plainfield High School
- Victor Fontana – Service Division Manager @ Sal Electric
- Andy Hulse – A/V Engineer @ PureTek Group
- Mike Litvin – COO @ PureTek Group
- Esports:
- We’re in the final stages of the Esports area, with 80% completion.
- Walls for desks are up, data lines are mostly run, the entire room is being painted black, and the windows are being tinted.
- Theatrical lighting is in progress, and the data rack is mounted in the adjacent room.
- Cameras, and TVs are being installed next week.
- Theatre:
- Missing material has been located. Thanks to the Plainfield team for tracking down the materials!
- A new foreman is managing house lighting. We’re transitioning to cove lighting and organizing cable management for various systems in the auditorium.
- Repair work on existing counterweight rigging is ongoing, while awaiting approval for speaker rigging and IMAX screen hoist from architects and engineers.
- The Niram team is working on ways to open up the control booth.
- Room 200/Blackbox:
- We conducted a meeting to layout the data rack and lighting controls. The rack has been found and will be mounted soon.
- Lighting control and screen installation are in progress, gearing up for the full-fledged development of this room.
What’s Next?
- For Esports, we’ll finalize cable connections and proceed with data connections. Goal to conduct electrical rough inspection by end of next week. Subsequent steps include flooring installation, desk setup, computer installation, and final commissioning. Project completion is anticipated by end December/early January, followed by the installation of drapes and computer setups.
- Full push on Room 200 to initiate upon completion of Esports.
- Weekly on-site meetings will continue every Friday morning starting at 10am through the installation process to ensure progress continues at a rapid pace and installation is performed at the expected level of professionalism and proficiency.