Overview of the December 2020 Covid Relief Package

The Covid Relief Package signed into law December 2020 provides $82 billion to the national education sector.  Funds are allocated on a state-by-state basis as per the following:

  • $54.3 billion for K-12 schools via Title I funding
  • $22.7 billion for higher education
  • $4 billion governor’s discretion fund of which $2.7 billion is designated for private schools

This significant relief package provides about 4x the funding of the March 2020 Cares Act, and has been appropriated for more wide-ranging uses so long as they support schools’ efforts to reopen safely and equitably.  Uses of this funding mentioned in the measure include:

  • Improving coordination among state, local, tribal and other entities to slow the spread of Covid-19
  • Providing resources that principals need to address coronavirus at their schools
  • Supporting school district efforts to improve preparedness
  • Training staff on the best ways to sanitize schools and proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Purchasing PPE and the supplies needed to clean and disinfect schools.
  • Repairing school facilities, especially ventilation systems, to improve air quality and reduce spread of Covid

UVC for the Educational Sector

Ultraviolet light in the bandwidth of 200-280nm, known as UV-C, is a time-tested tool for disinfection of pathogens that may be integral to school’s efforts to reopen in-person learning and to stay open throughout the remainder of this pandemic as well as safeguarding students, teachers, and staff through future outbreaks and epidemics.  Some school specific applications are summarized below.  For more information, contact us.


Hybrid UVC Air Purification and Whole-Room Treatment

Our hybrid UVC disinfection fixture provides active treatment against airborne pathogens, VOCs, and other pollutants while class is in session, and rapid 99.99% effective whole-room disinfection while classrooms are unoccupied. No other solution provides equivalent flexibility, efficacy, and safety.


Automated UVC Disinfection Between Uses

Limit the spread of contagions in high-risk areas such as restrooms via automated between-use disinfection. High-end in-fixture sensors ensure UVC lamps remain off during occupancy and activate for 5-minute whole-room deep-cleaning treatments while restrooms are empty.

Nurse’s Offices

On-Demand Whole-Room UVC Treatment via One-Touch Controls

UVC fixtures are strategically placed throughout the nurse’s office including isolation areas, restrooms, and waiting rooms. 5-minute on-demand whole-area or spot-clean disinfection is activated via the Pure UVC app or wall switch. Motion sensors deactivate fixtures upon detection of occupancy.

Gyms & Cafeterias

High-Powered Portable UVC Trolleys

High-powered UVC trolleys
are recommended for large spaces such as gyms, cafeterias, auditoriums, and hallways. Benefits include low cost, minimal staff training, simple operation via pre-programmed controls, easy transportation throughout facilities, and short treatment times.

School Buses

In-Vehicle UVC-Based Air Purification

UVC-based air purification on buses provides safe, effective, and proven treatment to continuously clean and disinfect the air that is being recirculated throughout the vehicle. Devices can be easily retrofitted onto existing buses and require very little maintenance.


UVC Air Purification Solutions via In-Duct HVAC

High-Intensity UVC lighting installed directly into existing HVAC ductwork greatly reduces the risk of airborne infectious diseases including SARS-CoV-2 and influenza. System exceeds criteria set out by ASHRAE to improve air quality for students, teachers, guests, and staff.

On the Horizon

The newly proposed Biden Stimulus Package will provide a massive $170 billion to schools with $130 billion allocated to K-12 schools via Title I funding.  While promising, this plan must still be ironed out and passed through congress.  With the Biden administration officially launched today, hopefully schools will soon-than-later receive the much-needed support to implement the infrastructure upgrades required to open, stay open, and adapt to the post-Coronavirus world.


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